Purple People Mover

Twist‘n Sub

Little Yell’r
- Any single order of $300 on Fab Island before discounts will receive the Purple People Mover Submarine
- Any single order of $500 on Fab Island before discounts will receive the Purple People Mover and Twist’n Sub
- Any single order of $900 on Fab Island before discounts will receive Purple People Mover, Twist’n Sub and Little Yell’r

Tie Dye’ver
Lifetime purchases in 1 WAX Wallet of over $6000 after discounts will receive the Tie Dye’ver Submarine

The Long and Yellow Sub
Lifetime purchases in 1 WAX Wallet of over $12,000 after discounts will receive the The Long and Yellow Sub Submarine
Limit of 1 gift with purchase qualification per Wax Wallet. If multiple qualifying purchases have been made ($300+) during the promotion period the largest purchase will be used to determine gift level. Promotion runs from February 22, 2022 – 12:01AM to March 10, 2022 – 11:59 PM Pacific. Please allow up to 7 days after promotion ends for delivery of Submarines. For Clarity: A qualifying purchase for the small submarines must include at least 1 plot/parcel of Fab Island Virtual Land and have been made during the promotion period. A qualified Large Submarine (Tye Dye’ver amd The Long and Yellow Sub) recipient must own at least one plot/parcel of Fab Island Virtual Land in the same WAX wallet as was used to accumulate the lifetime purchase amounts required. Due to the inconsistency of email addresses and names used to purchase, Lifetime Purchases are calculated soley on purchases sorted by the WAX wallet used at time of purchase. See https://aftermathislands.io/policies/terms-of-service for additional details.