Aftermath Islands Professions
Introducing Profession Chests
Profession Chests will be exchanged for an in-game Medallion that represents the Profession and allow the player holding it to carry out these duties as an active member of the Aftermath Islands economy.
Profession holders and Hobbyists will create in-game items. Recipes provide the ingredients to craft an item.
See examples of crafting recipes here.
This document is an example only, and subject to change.
At this time, prior to gameplay launch, a player may hold as many Profession Chests as they desire but it is our hope the player seeks to be active in these professions. A player may not hold 2 Medallions of the same profession.
Chests come in a variety of rarities with the intent to provide a balanced Aftermath Islands economy.
A Chest may be redeemed for an in-game gift card at any time representing the original purchase price. When the game environment is live, if a player chooses to redeem their chest for a Medallion, the Medallion is soulbound and can not be traded or sold.
If the Player chooses to redeem their Chest for an Aftermath Islands gift card, the Chest will be returned to Aftermath Islands and the player will not receive the Medallion it represents.
Ability to work with animals like sheep, goats, cows, llama, chickens, ducks, pigs, bison, aquaculture (fish) and other traditional animals to breed, slaughter and process commercially
This is a Rare Profession. The first 100 owners of this profession will receive “Founding Rancher Love Potion”.